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1. First part :

My name is Alban ROGLIN, I live in a small village in the Gard county not far from the town of Nîmes. I am keen on music, and on fine art as well, with a preference for impressionism. After I graduate, I would like to become an  administration and finance teacher. These are two fields I'm particularly interested in.

2. Second part :

  • In 2019, I did an internship in the DIY trade Weldome in an accounting position. Although accounting is not one of my passions, this experience was very enriching since I was able to see how accounting works in such a business.

  • In November 2020, I did an internship at the Institution Maintenon in Sommières as a secretary. This experience allowed me to know more about databases and customer relationship management.

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© 2020 - 2022 par Alban ROGLIN. Créé avec

Dernière mise à jour le 22/07/2022

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